Monday, November 21, 2011

Getting It Wrong

Maybe everyone has someone in their life that they're constantly at odds with, no matter what they do.  They're like the opposing end of magnets -- always pushing away, never wanting quite to touch properly, and the more you try to get close to them, the stronger the force is that pushes you back and to the side.

Maybe everyone has someone like that.

Someone for whom all of your words are wrong. The small ones and the big ones and the stupid ones and the important ones. You don't get them right -- and even if you're usually good with words, even if words are kind of what you do, when you open your mouth all of your good words abandon you and you're left only with the ones that don't work.

And maybe you think you should quit. But you don't quit because you don't know how. Because you think that it's more important to try than to succeed, even though you keep failing. Because sometimes you get so close and you think this time -- THIS time -- you're not going to screw it up. And then you do and you remember again how painful this is, how much it hurts when you rub up against anger and unhappiness, but you also know that you're still not going to quit. Because underneath it all? There should be something awesome.

There could be.

Maybe you're doing the right thing. Maybe the wrong thing would be to abandon the cause. Maybe in the end it will all be worth it. In the meantime, you're going to keep messing up and having fights and bickering and knowing that, even if you get it wrong all of the time?  You haven't given up.

And maybe that's part of getting it right.

1 comment:

  1. I truly agree,that not giving up is the part of getting it right! Why should anything go left unsaid! Or should it? These are the questions that elude most of us daily. Should I say anything? Will it make things better or worse? Do I have the vocabulary to explain how I feel? Will the other person understand? Do I undertand what there trying to tell me? What to do, What to do? Should a person error on the side of caution? Take the safe route , so to speak,,,or put all hands on deck and buckle down through the storm.
    We are amazing people at times and for most of us we love challenges even if it envolves argumention, fustration and anxiety! Why do we do things to ourselves? Is it to prove our self worth? Is it because we refuse to be proven wrong? Or is it we just don't like to go down without a fight? I think as a society it's probably all of the above and more!
    Some times trying to find the right words for most people is the hardest part of interaction. Good or bad words are perception. It may not be what you said but how it's percieved is the true issue with words. In my experience perception and assumption are the two greatest issues in relations, be it love or friendship. When a statement has been percieved wrong then the rest has been left up to assumption. Confusing right? For example, say I bring home a cake with best intensions ,offer it to my spouce and in return one or two things could be said,"Aaawwweee how sweet of you" or "like I'm not fat enough are trying to tell me I'm a pig"...perception!
    I found over the years instead of hearing the words that may sound wrong or be taken wrong,,I ask; What do you mean by that? So not to assume the worse before it's actually explained! But I deffinately see your point some people should quit while there ahead,,,but before jumping the gun on any bad words or terms make sure to clarify whats actually being said before throwing stuff......LOL!...............(A)
