Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Great Expectations

Sometimes I feel as though there was a something that I was supposed to do with my life, and I didn't do it.

Wait. That's not entirely accurate.

Sometimes I feel as though there were a lot of people expecting that I would do something with my life, and I haven't done what they thought I would do.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. In an effort not to be completely depressed about being unemployed, I decided to consider it an opportunity. A blessing, even. A chance to look at what's out there for work and think about what kind of work would make me really happy.

What I discovered surprised me. The answers to the question "What fills Yellie's soul" were not what I was expecting. It turns out that what I love the most is very specific ... and also something that I have been unwilling to allow myself to do.

It's silly, really, the way I put the idea of happiness on the back burner when it came to career choices.  I wanted things from employment: money, benefits, security, prestige. Being happy and fulfilled fell off the list a long time ago, because being successful meant having those other things on the list.


But after a plethora of jobs, I realize this: the amount of money you bring home doesn't matter if your job makes you feel sick to your stomach on a daily basis. Having a fancy title is useless if your job stresses you out so much that your hair is falling out.

I've come to understand that the ONLY thing that I am supposed to do with my life is live it well, by my own definitions.  That's it. That's the thing I'm supposed to do.

That's what success looks like.

I hope we are all successful.

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