Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last Post of 2010

Ah, 2010. I'm a little sad to see you go. Unlike some of your relatives, who DEFINITELY overstayed their welcome (I'm talking to you, 2006 and 2007 -- don't give me that look! Y'all KNOW what I'm talking about), you were a delight.

We've had some good times, you and I. That trip to Busch Gardens with my mom? Stellar. I think she really appreciated that I think Guiness and a cupcake are the lunch of champions at amusement parks-- especially since I then went on to ride several roller coasters. My mom is the BEST.

Speaking of my mom, thanks for the excellent weather we had when we went to Maine this summer. It's not every day that a girl gets to go to her aunt's wedding AND hang out with a nephew from Japan. (Okay, technically he's my cousin ... but since they're teaching him to call me Auntie Yellie, we'll just all run with it.) Travelling with my mom is really one of the best things ever... even 22 hour road trips, in the Rabbit, with the cat in the car. Wouldn't trade ANY of them. So, again, thanks for that, 2010.

Oh, and I should thank you for making my sister happy -- she had great weather for her wedding, and we're anxiously expecting the birth of baby J. So excited. You were good to my family.

I owe you one for being around while I got it together to move back to New Hampshire. Oh sure, I had my rocky moments, it's true (such as not quiiiiite knowing where I was going to live, and then taking an apartment sight unseen) but it all worked out incredibly well -- I've come to realize that if you leave it alone, things actually WILL work themselves out. Who knew?

I can't get over the gifts you gave me:  The Army of Dorkness. Delta Kappa, the world's smallest sorority. Holidays with the VanScoy clan. The Dan check-ins. The return of Albert (seriously? Best Christmas gift ever). Reconnecting with Mr Corey (you sneaked that one in at the last minute! You're so good!). TJ's runs with Flinkie and Neeecole. The work crew. You know, those tiny, insignificant blessings of love and friendship that make life bearable.

Oh, and the other thing you gave me: peace. I know, I know, I was kind of carrying the possibility of it around all the time, but I wasn't ready until this year. Silly, to be sure, but there it is now. So -- thanks.

So long, 2010. I hope the next year is as awesome as you were.


  1. I think your Mom is awesome too! I miss her! Hope you have a happy and healthy new year.

  2. Well said. Gratiitude (and that little bit about leaving things alone and letting them work out) is always the best route. Always. Happy New Year, friend!
