Monday, July 16, 2012

Some Good (and the best) A-Ha Moments

I had a busy weekend, y’all. A busy, brilliant summer weekend filled with busy, brilliant summer things. Which of course means that today I am TIRED and mildly sunburned.

But I had some “a-ha” moments (sweet baby Jesus cast in plaster in someone’s garden, did I just use that phrase?) and I thought I would share them with you.  That’s what I’m here for.

#1. I learned important stuff in college. However, pouring my own beer from a tap was NOT ONE OF THEM. Batting my eyelashes and getting someone ELSE to get me a beer, however? I had that down right away, but that’s not very girl power of me. So I made someone (Hi Russ!) show me how to do it this weekend.  And, like changing a tire, now I can say I know how. (And then I will probably still get someone else to do it for me but YAY KNOWLEDGE.)

#2. Additional important lessons gained in college that I didn’t get credit for, but greatly appreciate now:

                *how to dance without spilling a beer

                * how to walk without spilling a beer

*how to play it off if you DO spill your beer

                *how to properly drink and enjoy beer


#3.  The exposed back of your neck is a body part you will probably never think of until you forget to put sunscreen on it and burn the bejeezus out of it. At that point, it will become the bane of your existence.

#4. When suddenly forced to realize that a handsome HANDSOME famous person is standing less than five feet away (HELLO GAVIN ROSSDALE), it is entirely possible to lose one’s ability to speak or formulate coherent thoughts and, perhaps, breathlessly utter something like this “OmygodIdon’tevenhuhwhatzit?”

#5.  Beach sand is the most insidious substance on the planet.  That is all.

#6. Watching someone having a REALLY great time? Will cause you to have a great time. Even if what is causing the “I’m having so much fun right now SQUEEEEEEE!” is not something you would normally want to do… and sometimes especially then.

#7.  Define joy on your own terms. If other people don’t get it? Whatever.  Their standards do not have to be your standards.

#8. Some places are fabulous. Some places are sketchy. Some places are fabulous BECAUSE they are sketchy and reassure you that, though you may not be the poster child for well adjusted, you are doing just fiiiiiiine.

#9.  If you can’t change it, stop worrying about it. Really. STOP. Right now. If necessary, please use the skills detailed in #1 and obtain a beverage. It might help you to chill.

#10. Your friends are your family. You should give them lots of hugs. If you don’t particularly enjoy being hugged, then just tell them that you love them now and again. (If you’re a guy, do whatever the guy equivalent of this is, since a lot of you aren’t all WHEEE FEELINGS  -- and yes, I know, I stereotyped – but if you are the Feelings-y sort, then an I love you would be awesome, unless you’re a hugger in which case, hugs are also a good plan.)
#11: The best A-Ha moment EVER: (embed fail?

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