Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pushing The Envelope (Or, When Adults Act Like Children)

Ever notice that some people hate change? They hate it. So they fight it and push back against it and generally behave with the grace and subtlety of a five year old who has had his favorite toy taken from him.

Personally? I love change. I like the opportunities that change creates. I like working in new and different systems. I like taking things apart and putting them back together and trying to make something wholly new.

I know that routine and structure are comfortable. I also know that there can be great joy in trying something that makes you UNcomfortable -- I think that the moments where you are the farthest from your comfort level can also be the ones where you learn the most about who you are, and what you're capable of.

I know that routine? Can equal rut, as in the one that you're stuck in.

I know that the daily grind can become dull and worn. That the only way to prove yourself is to test yourself.

It's hard.

But having a tantrum when someone asks you to change? Is a waste of energy. Put your efforts in good places. Work with the change; who knows? Maybe the next hand that is pushing the envelope will be yours.

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