Thursday, March 1, 2012

10 Random Rants

1.       There is NO NEED to put your laundry in a communal washing machine and then leave it there for days. NONE. If I come down to use the machine and your clothes are in there, all clean but hogging up the machine? I’m taking them out. There. I said it. Because I know … I KNOW … they’re still going to be there three days from now, all smelly and mildewy and gross.

2.       Why do people take their trash out to the dumpster and then set it down BESIDE the dumpster? You made the walk out there … put it in the container! There’s no need to have bags of trash sitting on the ground beside a perfectly good dumpster!

3.       Can we all agree that Ben and Jerry’s needs to change the serving information on the side of a pint to make the PINT the serving size? Who eats ½ cup of Ben and Jerry’s? Or … you know what? Why even bother. If I cared enough to look at the nutritional information, I probably wouldn’t be eating ice cream.

4.       I just read an article online—I wish I could remember where (MSN perhaps?) -- that made a comment about a model looking beautiful at 35 years old, like that was shocking. Because CLEARLY after 21, a woman couldn’t POSSIBLY be beautiful.   The worst part was that this comment was meant to be supportive, like “Good for you, Model Lady, for being hot at your old age” – people. Seriously. Beauty exists at ALL ages. Hotness does not have a shelf life.

5.       Don’t steal status updates from articles or cartoons and pass them off as your own without crediting the source.  I read the same websites as you, and now I think you’re a jackass.

6.       You know what’s not cool? Like, REALLY not cool? Deciding that someone’s not American based simply on what they look like. There are LOTS of people from racially diverse groups who are born and raised in America. Deciding that someone who looks like they might be of Latin or Asian or WHATEVER descent is “foreign” or an illegal immigrant? You know that’s racist and lame, right? Cut it out.

7.       “Winningest” is. Not. A. Word. I don’t care how many times it’s used in a sports broadcast, it’s STILL not going to be a word.  How about, instead of “The winningest team” we say: “The team with the most wins”? Oh winningest. How I hate you.

8.       I wanted to love Van Halen’s new single. But I don’t.  It strikes me as … lazy. And if you’re a band making a big comeback with your original singer? Don’t be lazy.

9.       It’s interesting (and by “interesting” I mean “SUPER IRRITATING”) when people don’t love something you love – a band for example – and then have to go on and on about how much said band SUCKS and how anyone who loves that band is an IDIOT. You know what? You could just say to me “You know, I’ve never enjoyed Train” and we can all move on.  I won’t try to convince you to like them, and you don’t have to convince me that they are the source of all musical evil. Also? Telling me how loathsome they are at excessive volume? Won’t add to your argument.

10.   I’ve noticed that many parent types are quick to jump on the “nobody better bully my kid” platform, but that very few of them recognize that their kid, in fact, is a bully. There doesn’t seem to be a good way to point this out. Frustrating.

Updated: This post was a drag. So I wanted to include what is possibly the most amazing anniversary gift/flash mob I have EVER SEEN.