Thursday, March 8, 2012


Mostly unedited transcript of an online conversation with one of my favorite people. (Names have been changed to protect the (sorta) innocent)

 Me: So can I tell you what I'm obsessed with now without you judging, since it's partly your fault?

Micki: oh? blaming me, not sure i like this

Me: Well, it IS your fault

Micki: ok....tell me

Me: Pinnacle Cake Flavoured Vodka.



Me: That tastes like CAKE.


Micki: i KNOW! i saw it!

Me: So if I mixed it with CHOCOLATE vodka I'd have ... whispers ... CHOCOLATE CAKE FLAVOURED DRINKIE POOS.

I think I just died a little bit. FROM JOY.

Micki: omg oh. my, god! why didnt i think of that!!

i see a trip to the liquor store in my future

i wonder if Raspberry would be like....raspberry cake?

Me: And they also have ... I'm not even ready for this shit ... COOKIE DOUGH.

Cookie dough.

Are they trying to KILL me?

  Micki: omg no no no!! raspberry AND chocolate AND cake!! omg i just drooled a little bit on my  keyboard!

Me: WHY, Pinnacle? Why must you tempt me with all of this tasty goodness?

Micki: and top it with....whipped cream pinnacle

we could get tipsy just talking about it

Me: I think I'm drunk RIGHT NOW.

Micki: if you're not you should be. just talking about it.

(I'd prefer if you'd blame Tracie? she started the whole Pinnacle thing)

Me: Because seriously, CAKE? I want to bathe in it. I want a jaccuzi filled with it. I want the fountains at the Bellagio to be filled with it so that it can dance to Frank Sinatra standards and fill the air with boozey cakey goodness.

I can't blame Tracie because she didn't bring it into my life. YOU did.

Micki: oh. literally. that's right. I forgot.

well for something THIS good, I'll take the blame

Me: I used to have to have cake and cocktails separately. But no more.

Now I can MULTITASK. And I'm not sure that's a good thing.

But I'm obsessed with it. And it's your fault. So I had to share.

Micki: appreciate you just dumping blame on me, thank you.  I am PROUD of your Pinnacle obsession. PROUD of it!

Me: I'm just noticing now that they also have one that tastes like those cinnamon fireballs that used to be in penny candy bins ... are there still penny candy bins? Does knowing about penny candy make me old? ... I don't know how I feel about that. I think that might be gross.

But cake is never gross.

Have you ever heard anyone say "That cake is gross"? No, you haven't. I'm just saying.

Micki: I don't think they do and surely you can' t be old enough to remember them! you're barely old enough to drink! no the cinnamon is not good. Or so I've heard.

Me: Bleah.

So I'm thinking I'm going to use my evil genius -- which came up with the dizzy izze* -- to make a cupcake martini.

You're welcome.

Micki: I had issues when I saw it, thinking "Cake?  Vodka? all in one?  Noooooo...that can't be good" Clearly, I was mistaken

oh. and you will share that recipe with me. you know you will

Me: There will be sprinkles involved. As a rimmer for the glass. And cake vodka

Micki: oh yea, chocolate rimmer

 Me: I was thinking rainbow, actually. Because ... PRETTY!!!!

Micki: yes pretty but CHOCOLATE CAKE

Me: but you would use chocolate to get 'em to stick.

Micki: ohhhhhhhhhhh omg GENIUS!!

Me: I try.

Micki: you might have just surpassed genius

I try to use my powers for good. BECAUSE I CARE.

* A dizzy izze is made as follows (and these are estimates. Do I look like I measure? Because I don't)
2 parts izze raspberry beverage
1 part chocolate vodka
1 part pineapple juice
Some pineapple chunks (you could freeze them first, and then they're like pineapple ice cubes.
Put in martini glass. Tastes like a banana split. SO DELICIOUS. So there you are.

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