Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lame. Lamer. Lamest.

There's this person I sort of know who I'm pretty sure has been placed on this earth as an example of how I never want to behave.

Because s/he's so cool. How cool? The coolest. And s/he wants to make sure that you realize it. And make note of it. You'll never be as cool as her/him.

This bugs me.

Not because I think I'm cool -- I'm not cool. I've never been cool. I'm awkward, and not the adorable Zooey Deschanel kind. Just the awkward kind. It doesn't bother me, as a rule, because I've had thirty six years to deal with my social clunkiness and feeling like everyone else got the "this is how to act/dress/speak/whatever" memo and I didn't.

Except that, with the vantage point of those thirty six years, I also know this: there isn't a memo.

We're all just sort of scraping by with our own uncoolness. Some of us have an extra sprinkling of it. Some of us just have a little bit. It might be well hidden, but it's usually there, under the surface, worried over and waiting to be found.

I'd rather be completely accepting of myself and my dorkiness, my flawed and sometimes rather obnoxious self, my discomfort with some social situations, than be someone who walks about practically yelling "LOOK AT ME I'M COOL."

Because that's kind of NOT cool. It's kind of sad. And even though I know that, on some level, it comes from a deeper, more insecure place, it still bothers me. Because I want to give this person a hug and tell her/him that we're all just kind of big idiots, hanging around and hoping no one really notices how lame we are.

I don't think it would be appreciated, though.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, I've never once thought of you as a lame or dorky! I know you don't realise who this is and it doesn't really matter but I have to say I have always admired you! Your intellegent, beautiful and witty! Honestly I wish I was more free spirited as you! Don't ever let the fashion disaster of the world ruin who you are,,,we are all perfect in our own ways....be happy in your own skin and if people around can't except that then tell them to turn their heads! There really is no need to be cool when you quite happy being who you are! What is cool anyways? Who determines this anyways? Personally I could care less about being cool,,,I am who I am and I don't feel the need to change for anyone,,,,hell I like who I am! I have confidence in myself to be anything I want to be....which is all I need...to hell with being cool....who has time or want?
    So go on being you! Let the world mold around you,not you mold around it....Love ya!.......(A)
